Counterfeit product risk

Stephen · October 15, 2020

This course walks students through the basics of counterfeit product risk that includes an outline of the global threats that can impact all organisations and sectors, the counterfeit supply chain and its impact, the global response and detection technologies and outlining the path to mitigate counterfeit product risk from entering a supply chain.

What you will learn

  • Counterfeit product risk and global threats
  • Risk and trends within counterfeit trade
  • The counterfeit supply chain
  • Counterfeit product detection
  • Risk mitigation approach

Who this course is for

Professionals that are involved with this risk that includes procurement, quality assurance, investigation and compliance, audit and project management

About Instructor


Founder of the Anti-Corruption Education Network and Company Director of Global Risk Alliance Ltd. Professional experience within the fields of corruption and procurement fraud risk, and introducing risk assessment, training and mentoring programmes to design and introduce risk mitigation frameworks

7 Library

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 20 Topics
  • 5 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate